Information for Year 6 Students

Hello Year 6 Students
My name is Mrs Massey and I am the Head of Year 7. I am very pleased that you will be joining Ashlyns and I look forward to meeting you.
It might seem a long way off, but it won’t be very long before you join the Ashlyns family. Changing schools and moving on should be very exciting, but we know that you might also feel a bit nervous – don’t worry, this is quite normal and we will be there to help and guide you through this time.
This area of our website is just for you; there is all sorts of useful information so have a look through it and see what you can find out about Ashlyns School.
As you will have to carry all your stationery items and books with you from lesson to lesson, it is very important that you have a suitable school bag, such as a rucksack. It must be large enough to carry A4 size books and you may want to carry your Chromebook in it too. Handbag-style bags are not appropriate as a main school bag.
Break and Lunchtimes
Our lunchtime is probably later than you have been used to in your primary school so you may want to bring a snack with you, or buy one from the Canteen, to eat at breaktime. Healthy snacks and drinks are available from the Canteen.
You should go outside during breaktime. If you hear the school bell ringing at the beginning, or during, breaktime or lunchtime, it indicates that it is ‘wet break/lunch’ and you will be told where you need to go.
You are not allowed in classrooms or to wander the corridors during breaktime. Food must be eaten in the Dining Room or outside in the designated areas. If you are seen eating food in the corridor you will receive a sanction.
During the first week of term in September, the Year 7 students leave Lesson 4 earlier than the rest of the school so that you have time to get used to the Canteen. The Canteen is open during all of lunchtime. You can choose from a wide selection of different hot and cold foods and pay at the till using your fingerprint or a PIN (if we do not have biometric consent); your ParentPay lunch account must be in credit.
If you bring a packed lunch from home, you should eat it either outside in the designated areas or in the Dining Room. All food brought in from home must be nut free as there are students in school with severe nut allergies. If you forget your packed lunch or lunch money, speak to your Tutor or Head of Year.
For more information about the food available in our dining room, please click here.
We encourage all students to bring a water bottle to school. There are water fountains from which you are able to fill your water bottle during breaktime and lunchtime.
We offer many different clubs which take place at lunchtimes and after school; more details will be given once you have joined the school. Clubs are free to attend. Information can also be found here.
Equipment Checklist
Please see the checklist below for the items you will need, in order to be ready for school.
Exercise Books
Please follow these guidelines. Your teachers will remind you of them on a regular basis so you do not need to try and remember them all.
- Write in black pen
- Present your work neatly and underline dates and titles using a ruler
- Record the lesson’s key question at the top of the work
- Trim and stick worksheets neatly into your books
- Complete drawings and diagrams in pencil
- Cross out errors with a straight line
- Label Home-Learning (HL) and extension work (EXT) clearly
- Do not waste space in your book
- Act on teachers’ targets and feedback
- You could often be asked to mark your own work in green pen
- You will be asked to self-assess and/or reflect on your work in green pen
Your teachers will review your books on a regular basis. It is your responsibility to read the comments and follow advice or instructions given.
You will receive regular home-learning from each of your teachers. For some subjects, such as English, Maths and Science, you will receive a piece of home-learning every week; for other subjects you will be set home-learning at an appropriate time within a topic. A piece of home-learning should take about 30 minutes to complete. You should complete your home-learning in a quiet place and, if they are not required for the home-learning, get into the habit of turning off electronic devices so that you can concentrate fully on each task.
All home-learning is notified through Google Classroom. Full details will be provided to students and parents/carers once you have joined the school.
House System
All students and most members of staff are allocated to a House. This gives students the opportunity to work with students from other years. House points are issued for specific events including Sports Day, subject challenges, Tutor group challenges and LRC events.
Our four houses are named after influential people linked with the history of Ashlyns. They are Bourne, Coram, Handel and Raven.
Two form groups from Years 7 to 11 are allocated to each house and their Tutors are allocated to the same house. There will be House assemblies, charity and competition events and House news updates.
Learning Resource Centre (LRC) and Reading List
Ashlyns Learning Resource Centre is used by everyone in the school and is open Monday to Friday, 8.00am to 4.30pm. The LRC is a place where you can complete homework, research, revise or read. You will use the LRC throughout your time as an Ashlyns student for a wide range of subjects – from timetabled literacy lessons to research sessions. There are resources to support your studies, from books to computers and printers, along with a great range of fiction and DVDs for you to borrow, take home and enjoy. There is a stationery shop (which is open at break and lunchtime) so you can always be fully equipped for your lessons. The space is also available to socialise with your friends and there is a selection of board games, chess sets and playing cards to enjoy.
The LRC is a fun place to spend time – we organise an exciting programme of inspirational author visits, creative writing and illustration workshops, book fairs, competitions, reading groups and clubs.
Our LRC staff have a suggested reading list for Year 6 pupils. Please click on the link below for more details:
Your parent/carer may have rented you a locker at the school. If you have a locker, you must keep it clean and tidy and keep the key safe. You may only visit your locker before school, at breaktime, lunchtime and after school.
See the images below to see a map of the ground and first floors at the school.
Mobile Phones
You are allowed to bring your mobile phone to school, but it must be switched off during the school day and not be seen or heard; they disturb learning and distract other students. Mobile phones, iPods, MP3 players and other electronic devices will be confiscated if used or left turned on during school time; this includes in the corridors and public areas. Confiscated electronic devices will be returned at the end of the school day and you will receive an after-school detention.
Smart watches are not allowed and you may not wear headphones or earbuds in the school building at any time (unless you have been asked to do so for a chromebook activity).
Should you need to contact your parents/carers at any time during the school day, do not use your mobile phone, even if you think it is an emergency. Please go to the Student Reception either at break or lunchtime, and you will be able to call home.
Musical Instrument Tuition
All peripatetic music lessons are organised by Mr Hutchinson, the Head of Music. Parents/carers can request musical instrument lessons via the Herts Music Service:
A timetable of lessons is posted on the Music Department notice board and also on Google Classroom. Lesson times may change each week so you must check the times carefully.
There are a number of school bands and orchestras and also a choir. Practice rooms are available during lunchtimes.
Rewards and Consequences
We will recognise your good behaviour, hard work and positive contribution to the school. Reward points are recorded by all staff and there are additional awards for 100% attendance and also for specific subjects.
If you choose not to follow our rules and guidelines, you will receive a consequence. These can be recorded by all staff and it is your responsibility to complete the consequence. If you do not, there will be further sanctions.
At the beginning of each term you will be given a ‘Standards Card’. It is very important that you keep this with you all the time; it fits perfectly into the pocket inside your blazer. If you break one of the rules listed, you will receive a signature on your card. If you receive three signatures, the card will be taken from you and you will receive an after-school detention of one hour.
For safety reasons you should:
- Walk on the left in the corridors around the school in an orderly fashion
- Line up outside classrooms until you are instructed to enter
- Only play ball games in specific areas designed for this use
- Not cycle in the school grounds. There are bicycle racks at school. Skateboards are not permitted.
- Use a bike lock if you bring a bike to school
- Leave valuables at home
School Structure, Day and Timetable
In Years 7 to 11, there are eight forms. The year is divided in half in order to make it possible to arrange timetables and teachers. Everyone in your form will be in the same band; four of the forms are in ‘X band’ and four are in ‘Y band’. You will spend lesson time with other students in the same band as you; if you have friends in the opposite band you will be able to meet them before school, at breaktime, lunchtime and after school.
Some lessons are taught in ability-based sets, and others are form-based. Sets are regularly assessed by the teachers so if you have any concerns about the work being too difficult or too easy, speak to your teacher.
Timings for the school day and a sample Year 7 timetable can be seen here: School Day and Timetable
School Site and Grounds
You may not leave the school grounds at breaktime or lunchtime. There are also some areas that are out-of-bounds. These include:
- The front entrance to the main school building; students are not to enter or leave the school through this entrance
- Reception area inside the school
- Chapel and surrounding area
- Staffroom and staff toilets
- Car parks
- Fields at the front of the school, between the perimeter road and the front gate
You may only use the Dining Halls at breaktime and lunchtime.
You may only use the toilets during break and lunchtime, unless you have a medical condition known by the school. Only one student is permitted in a cubicle.
Parents should only drop students off at the front gates and not drive into the school. Parking is not permitted in the turning circle at the front of the school.
School Values
Our school values underpin everything that we aspire to achieve. They are based on moral, civic, intellectual and performance virtues:
Integrity: we act with respect, honesty, courage and justice
Inclusivity: we play our part in the social contract with kindness, service, empathy and gratitude
Independence: we strive to meet our potential with resilience, determination, self reflection and self discipline
You will learn more about our values, and how you will be rewarded for demonstrating them, once you have joined Ashlyns.
Sport and PE Kit
Physical activity and sport are an important part of school life and our PE department will help you to get the most out of your PE lessons and any sports clubs which you join. We take pride in the status of school sport at Ashlyns and the range of sporting activities offered. We compete in inter-school, county-wide and national matches, as well as inter-form competitions throughout the year, not forgetting our annual summer Sports Day, held in June.
You will be expected to have your PE kit with you for every PE lesson, even if you are not able to take part. If you do not have your PE kit, you will be expected to wear a spare kit provided by the school. Long hair must be tied back for PE lessons. Click here to find out what items you should have in your PE kit:
Failure to bring PE kit to PE lessons will result in a lunchtime PE Faculty detention, known as a P2.
Student Reception
The Student Reception can be found to the side of the main office. There will always be a member of staff there who can help you with:
- Using the school telephone to call a parent/carer
- Lost property enquiries
- Signing out to go to an appointment
- Medical queries
- Signing in late
You must wear your full school uniform at all times, including travelling to and from school, at break and lunchtime. You will also be expected to wear your uniform at school events held outside of normal hours.
Outdoor clothing, such as coats, scarves and hats, may be worn outside the building but must not be worn inside the building at any time.
Click here for more information on our uniform and appearance rules:
You will need the following items of uniform:
- School blazer with Ashlyns emblem
- Ashlyns school tie, with seven black stripes showing
- Ashlyns House badge (you will be given this when you start at the school)
- White shirt or blouse with collar suitable for wearing with ties, either long sleeved with cuffs or short sleeved; shirts must be tucked in
- Plain black v-neck jumper can be worn in addition to the school blazer, but not in place of it
- School skirt (optional) which is plain black with permanent pleating and must not be rolled up. There is a choice of 3 suppliers for the school skirt (PL Schoolwear, Asda and M&S)
- Trousers must be black and full length, straight legged and not skin tight
- Plain black belt with a simple buckle, if required
- Black socks to be worn with trousers
- Black opaque tights, flesh colour tights or white or black ankle socks to be worn with skirts; tights must not be patterned
- Black shoes – lace up or slip on – no trainers or canvas shoes
- Plain coloured outdoor coat with no badges or logos
Black, flat, leather shoes must be worn in school. Trainers, sports shoes or any kind of canvas shoes are not permitted as uniform shoes; this includes black trainers and Converse-style shoes, in either leather or fabric. School shoes must be plain black and able to be polished, with no motifs, coloured stitching or reflective areas. Heels should be no more than 4cm. Boots are not permitted as uniform shoes for boys or girls.
Click on the image below for examples of acceptable school shoes, and those which are not considered suitable for school:
If you are seen wearing non-uniform shoes to school you will be asked to go to Student Reception, where you will be given a pair of plimsolls to wear until the end of the day. You will receive a signature on your Standards Card.
If you do not follow our uniform rules there will be a consequence.